Newsletter Submission

BPA is Looking for Writers!

Do you have something to say? Well, we want to hear from you. BPA is looking for writers and exciting articles from our membership.


  1. We accept articles from BPA members only. If you are not a BPA member, please consider joining. You may also opt to purchase an ad in our newsletter.
  2. Articles may include topics about current events, opinions, mental health, announcements, gatherings, etc. It is the sole discretion of the BPA of the articles accepted for publication. Articles should be 100-500 words. We do ask that you please edit and proof your own submission. It is simple.
  3. We love pics! Please include a high-resolution electronic picture of yourself and relevant content. If submitting images, please upload them and provide a caption for each.
  4. Please subscribe to all FAIR USE AND IMAGE COPYRIGHT LAWS.
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Max. file size: 256 MB.