Advertising Application

We appreciate your interest in advertising with BPA!

BPA offers two options for advertising: Newsletter Ads and Listserv E-Blasts.

Listserv E-Blasts reaches hundreds of psychiatry professionals who have joined BPA’s exclusive listserv. Write your content and allow us to deliver your messages. Our listserv serves as an intimate, real-time communication hub for BPA members. Reach Black psychiatrists and affiliates across the United States right in their inboxes. We offer one e-blast per order to be released as part of a monthly update to subscribers every third Monday of the month. Listserv E-Blasts must be submitted as 1,000-character messages with an optional PDF attachment.

Newsletter Ads reach nearly 1,000 individuals who have opted into receiving BPA communications as well as our website visitors. Take advantage of the exposure your business will enjoy in BPA’s quarterly newsletter released via e-mail and featured prominently on our website. The newsletter is published quarterly to a very targeted readership of professional psychiatrists. Newsletter Ads must be submitted as 4 x 4 inch high-resolution images. 

Advertisements are accepted and published at the discretion of BPA. All decisions are final. You must subscribe to all FAIR USE AND IMAGE COPYRIGHT LAWS. Advertisers are responsible for proofreading their own content and paying their invoices prior to publication.

Please complete the application below. You can expect a response within 2 business days. If your ad is approved, we will send you an invoice for the total of your order.

Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    If you are purchasing a newsletter ad, please upload your ad as a 4" x 4" high-resolution JPG or PNG file.
    If you are purchasing a listserv e-blast, please provide the text of your message.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.
      If you are purchasing a listserv e-blast, please provide any in line images as JPG or PNG files. They will be sized to fit in line within the e-blast. If your e-blast will have a PDF attachment, please upload that document as well.
      Type of Advertiser(Required)
      If your ad is approved, we will send you an invoice for the total of your order.